Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Non-Toxic Pregnancy Using Essential Oils, A Midwife's Guide

Instructor, Lisa Byrd LM, CPM, CLC

Monday, November 3, 2014 from 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM (EST)

Organized by Sandy Glenn, LM CPM

Hosted by: Set Apart Health
785 D E. Butler Rd. MauldinSC 29607

A Midwife's Guide: Non-Toxic Pregnancy Using Essential...

Did you know that the average newborn has roughly 287 chemicals detected in it's umbilical cord? 

We are so careful in pregnancy.  How does that happen?
Come explore ways you can reduce your toxic load before, during and after pregnancy using essential oils instead of chemically laden skin care, cleaning products and medications. Protect your little one from life altering chemicals.
You're baby's health depends on you having options and healthy choices in pregnancy.

Explore ~ Reduce ~ Protect

Lisa Byrd LM, CPM, CLC

Lisa Byrd is a Licensed and Certified Professional Midwife and Certified Lactation Counselor who founded and formerly owned Covenant Birth Center in West Columbia, SC since 2007. 
After becoming frustrated by the amount of politics and insurance billing problems so prevalant in the birthing center world, she decided to close Covenant at the end of 2013.  This radical career detour has left her with a passion to pursue the things that she can change.
She is still in the business of empowering and educating people to make healthier life choices.
Though she maintains her professional licenses, Lisa is taking a clinical midwifery sabbatial and is currently writing a book called, "The Midwife Within ~ The Art of Creating a Non-Toxic Baby in a Toxic World."
She teaches and coaches on the topics of pre-conception, fertility, natural pregnancy and birth and natural, non-toxic child rearing.  She has expanded her educating to include people of all ages and stages of life. 
Lisa is multiplying her efforts by training and inspiring an amazing team of health and wellness advocates to also go out and teach people to Reinvent their Healthcare all around South Carolina, North Carolina, Georgia and beyond.
Is serving people in natural health an interest for you? We are looking for leaders that want to make a difference in others lives!
Like the proverb that says, "give a man a fish and feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and feed him for a lifetime" Lisa believes that also applies to health care and is passionate about helping all people find their path into disease-prevention and non-toxic living.

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