Friday, October 10, 2014

Essential Oils Spray Air Fresheners? I'm going to replace the Febreze with Lemon.

The birth center has febreze in every bathroom (of course).  Let's try a recipe for Lemon doTerra air freshener.

What You Need:
8-ounce glass spray bottle
1/2 cup distilled water
20 drops essential oil

Well, the bathroom smells like Lemon.  Let's see if the clients will use and and what they think.  I have three other bathrooms, so maybe we'll try Citrus Bliss or Lavender.  Citrus Bliss smells blissful, but I'm noticing that the oil rises to the top and needs to be shaken before each use.  This might not work well for families that expect to use it like the febreeze on the shelf.

I have an apartment that smells like smoke (retail agreement clears says NON-smoking ONLY, but....).  But, let's try essential oils.
Day One:
Febreze was already in the bathroom, so I sprayed it in the bedroom carpet.   smells like flowers and smoke :(
Day Two:
I bring the EO's over and try 20 drops of lemon in a small spray bottle.  I spay it generously in the living areas, but I've closed the door to the bedroom because I want to compare later.  The room smells like lemons, but it's not overwhelming, and I can't smell the smoke.  I'm going to wait a few days and revisit.

I did notice that the sprayer keeps getting clogged.  I don't know if it's the oils or the sprayer, but it was frustrating.  I'll research a bit and see what I need to do.

Day Three:
No one had a baby this weekend, so the birth center was mostly empty.  But guess what! I could still smell the Citrus Bliss in the bathroom.  I even had a lavender diffuser running in the lobby, and the citrus smell was recognizable in the bathroom.  Impressive.

Stay tuned.


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