Monday, February 20, 2012

My Birth Story

My Birth Story of Samuel Emryck Eshenbaugh

I’m not quite sure when my labor began exactly. It was so different than my last one. My last labor was in the hospital & I was induced. It was more like having a procedure done, not birthing. Anyway this is my story.

I went to Carolina Waterbirth on May 9th, 2011 for my 41 week check up. Not much was happening. So, they told me that I could try this herbal stimulator called “Start Up”, since my hubby was overly anxious for me to have our newest son. I wasn’t so into trying it, but my hubby bought it & we went home.

I was feeling a little out of sorts that night but nothing that would nor could interrupt my sleeping. I awoke at the usual time, fed my 2 yr old son breakfast, while my husband took my 13 yr old son, Riley to school & I took my first dose of the herbal stimulator. Took my shower & decided that we were going to go to the mall. My hubby, David & my 2 year old son, Aidan accompanied me. I figured I was going to try to walk this baby out! And that’s exactly what I tried to do.

As we were walking I started having a few contractions, however, they were quite sporadic. I just ignored them & kept walking. As we approached the indoor kiddy play area of the Haywood Mall, I felt this trickle. I wondered if I had just peed on myself. Feeling a bit embarrassed, I told my hubby I had to go to the restroom. Turns out that it was just my water breaking. It was now about two o’clock in the afternoon. We walked around for a little bit more then we left to head on home.

The contractions were beginning to become more consistent. We ate some dinner & played with our other sons. Around 9 pm, my husband recommended that we call my sister to come over so that she could watch the boys. I told him that it sounded great. I wanted to go over a few things with her, so the timing was perfect. When she arrived, I went over a few things & asked my hubby to run me a bath. I soaked in the tub for a little bit, which helped greatly with my contractions.

My contractions were getting closer & closer together & I asked David to call Sandy, my midwife. Then, as he was dialing her number, I felt a lot of pressure & the urge to push . I looked at my husband and told him it was time for us to go. He briefly talked to Sandy & she told us that she was going to head on into the center & get things going for us. We headed downstairs & I told my sister that we were leaving. She panicked and shrieked,” I though you had already left! You better go & go now! I don’t want to deliver that baby here! Go, go, go!” And with that she shoved me out the door.

Things had picked up quite quickly by this point. I was waiting on David to unlock my mother’s car door, (my sister had driven it over & we were leaving her our car since we wanted her to have the car seat for our 2 yr old) when a hard contraction hit. So, here I was, down on all fours, doing pelvic rocks in the middle of my driveway. My hubby ran over with a pillow & moved me onto the pillow. Lord only knows what my neighbors thought!! But, I didn’t care…I was working through it & did what I needed to. Somehow, amidst all the hyped up energy my hubby & I both had, we just couldn’t figure out how to unlock my mother’s car. After a moment or two, we finally figured out how to get into my mother’s vehicle. Note to anyone planning on using someone else’s vehicle on the “big day” ….get acquainted with the vehicle beforehand!

So, my husband hit the highway. I was working though the contractions when I suddenly felt this urge to push….again! I may have mentioned that to my husband because, all of a sudden he started driving even faster than he was already! I didn’t know what to focus on more, my labor or my hubby’s erratic driving!

We arrived at Carolina Waterbirth at 10:35 pm. Sandy was there, waiting on us. She had the room & tub prepared already. I quickly hopped into the nice, warm, soothing tub. The lights in the room were down really low and I felt so comfortable. It’s amazing what a difference the atmosphere makes when your in labor! The minute I got into the birthing tub, the pain seem to have lessened. I felt great!

Jody, our doula had arrived and started helping me right away. She was placing nice, cool compresses on my forehead. It felt so good! I was having quite a bit of back pain & Jody didn’t hesitate to start rubbing my back for me. She was so wonderful! My hubby had changed into his ‘birthing‘ clothes and was getting into the tub with me.

I felt the urge to push again & told Sandy. She told me to do what I felt that I needed to do. I started pushing with the wonderful guidance of my own body. My husband & midwife were calmly coaching me. After a few more pushes, and at 11:22 pm, Samuel Emeryck Eshenbaugh was earthside and born into my midwife’s guiding, and my husbands loving hands.

Then my new baby boy was placed on my chest. He was so calm and peaceful. Unlike my other two sons, that was born screaming & crying, in a hospital. I attribute Samuel’s calmness and peacefulness to the calm birthing experience and the darker atmosphere. I was then moved to the big, beautiful bed where I was able to bond and nurse my beautiful son.

My husband and I enjoyed cuddling our new baby boy. Sandy came over after the baby was done nursing and documented Samuel’s birth weight, length, and all the other important information. I was released to go home at 2:30 am, a mere 3 hours after his birth, with our new bundle of joy!