One of our biggest concerns was where Phoenix would be born. After looking at several hospitals and birth centers, we decided to give birth at Carolina Water Birth. We instantly liked the midwife, Sandy, and we liked the idea of being able to give birth naturally...and we REALLY loved the tub... :-)
On December 23rd, 2013, we celebrated Brian's birthday with the girls.
On December 24th at 4:30am, I woke up feeling like I needed to use the bathroom. I sat up on the edge of the bed and my water suddenly broke. I called out to Brian, telling him that my water had broke. The water kept coming and coming as if someone had turned on the bathroom faucet. The floor and bed were totally drenched. We frantically called our midwife, thinking we'd have to rush to the birthing center. But since I wasn't having any contractions, she told me to get some rest and call her when I started having regular contractions. She also told me exercises to do.
Brian helped me clean everything up and we happily got more rest. Brian's sister Sarah came and took the girls for some fun holiday activities while I rested and did my exercises. When it got later and I still wasn't having regular contractions, my midwife had me come in. Although it wouldn't be until much later that I had regular contractions, my midwife declared that I was in active labor at 7:30pm as I was fully dilated. My contractions never got as strong and regular as they needed to be so it took a lot of walking and other exercises all night long to get Phoenix to come.
In the morning hours, my midwife asked me if I was ready to push. So tired of labor and ready to get in the tub, I said, "Yes!" But it was soon evident that it wasn't time yet. I came out to labor more. I had been going through back labor this whole time and had seen very little progress for all my efforts. The nurse- midwife checked me out to see what was going on. She discovered that my cervix was blocking Phoenix's head. She moved it out of the way, and when she did, he flipped. I was no longer in back labor and he was suddenly coming!
We got back in the tub. I pushed and pushed - I was starting to be afraid he would never come, but my midwife, the nurse midwife, and my doula kept encouraging me. Then, I finally was able to feel Phoenix's head. As soon as I could feel that it was like the reality hit and I knew I could do it. I pushed with more vigor, and at 9:55am, Phoenix came!

Daddy was right there to catch him as Phoenix came out in the water. Phoenix was born beautifully. Despite his size, I didn't tear at all. Brian picked Phoenix up and placed him in my arms. I couldn't help but just stare at this beautiful baby - his skin was beautiful and dark. He nursed almost immediately. He weighed 8lbs, 6oz and was 20.25 inches long.